If you want more followers, you must give your target audience what they want. As you go, you give them the content they want when they want to see it as often as they want. Do not focus on what you want because your brand or business account does not suit you.

The question is: how do you determine what your Instagram followers want? There are many ways to do this: ask your subscribers on your email list, on other social media platforms, but what better way than asking directly on Instagram?

How to determine what your Instagram followers want with Instagram stickers

Instagram stickers are the perfect way to ask your subscribers what they want and what they think about your content. You will find stickers in your Instagram stories and they are really easy to use. If you want to know more about how they work, how to use them, and how to get the best results, read this article we wrote.

There are several stickers on Instagram, but we'll only cover the three that can help you understand what your subscribers want – the question sticker, the poll sticker and the emoji slider sticker. Let's see how to use them to find out what your subscribers want to keep and win.

1. The sticker question

How to determine what your Instagram followers want with InstagramThe question sticker is used for this, asking questions. By default, the question sticker allows your subscribers to ask questions. The sticker automatically says "Ask me anything" and when you download the story, people can click on the sticker and write their question. You would answer then.

However, you can browse it and ask yourself a question. Where the default question is, click on it and change it to a question of your choice. In this case, you could write:

  • What kind of content would you like to see from me?
  • What kind of content do you usually like?
  • How do you get the most value from my Instagram posts?
  • How often do you go on Instagram?
  • What time are you usually on Instagram?

Your followers would answer your questions and you will derive great value from them. Once you have obtained your information, you must adapt. For example, if the majority of your subscribers say they are on Instagram at 12 o'clock and you do not post before 3 o'clock, you will have to start posting at 12 o'clock. The important thing is that you take into account their answers, then that you start to publish the content that they asked for.

The question sticker simplifies the whole process and makes it faster instead of having to create a Survey Monkey survey.

2. The emoji sticker
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The emoji sticker is exactly as the name suggests. It's a bar where, at one end, an emoji rests, allowing your subscribers to drag it to where they want it, depending on what you ask them to do. The default emoji is the "heart" emoji, but it can be changed if you press it. When you change the emoji, you change the emotions.

For example, if I downloaded an article about a product and asked, "How much do you like when I download product images?", I'd use the emoji "eyes of the heart". ; so that my subscribers can drag it where they want the bar. If they slide to the end, it means that they like the pictures.

Say that I had a hate comment on a photo and that all my followers saw it. I could ask in my story, "What do you think of what happened yesterday?" And I would change the emoji into an "angry face". The more my disciples slip, the more angry they are.

Since this slider aims to find out what your subscribers feel about something, here's how you can use it to determine what your subscribers like or do not like:

  • How much did you like my new post?
  • Are you excited about the video I'm posting tomorrow?
  • How much did you like my story in the caption of my last post?
  • How much are you in love with the content I published recently?
  • How are you disappointed with my content?

Again, once your subscribers have responded, adjust your content to suit your preferences.

3. The voting sticker

1565440212 527 How to determine what your Instagram followers want with InstagramThe poll sticker is used when you want your subscribers to vote on something. You ask a question, then you put your two options in the squares below. There can only be two voting options.

By default, poll options indicate "Yes" and "No". Here are some examples of questions you can ask to determine what your subscribers want to see:

  • Did you like the style of my last post?
  • Did you like what I wrote in my caption?
  • Do you like the video that I downloaded?
  • Are you a fan of rides as I designed them?
  • Are you interested in seeing more content like the one I just downloaded?
  • Truth Time: Do you like the inspirational quotes I download?

If you do not want to use the "yes" and "no" options, you can change the poll options to say what you want (although the number of characters is limited). Here are some examples:

  • Do you prefer videos or pictures? Your options would say "videos" and "images"
  • Suppose you upload a photo on your Instagram story from Canva with a quote and write # 1 in the corner. Then you send another one with the same quote but on a movie board. So third story would be a poll.
  • Are you a fan of # 1 or # 2? Your options would read as "# 1" and "# 2"
  • What kind of pictures do you like the most? The options could be "Selfies" and "Professional Images"
  • What should I download next? "A photo behind the scenes" and "A video of me talking"

Use all these stickers to your advantage to determine what your subscribers want to see from you, then give them the content.


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